Sidni + Festus!


Recently, I had a photoshoot that completely changed how I see snakes. I met Sidni and her two snakes, Festus and Butters. Butters turned out to be incredibly shy, curling up into a ball whenever we tried to interact with him. So, we focused on Festus, who was anything but shy.

Festus was exceptionally curious and friendly. He had a surprising habit of swaddling himself in blankets, poking out his head now and then, which was unexpectedly adorable. He seemed happiest when exploring around Sidni, his owner.

I’ve always aimed to push my limits with each photoshoot, and working with a snake seemed like the perfect chance. It was not only about capturing unique photos but also about stepping out of my comfort zone. Sidni was super sweet and incredibly helpful throughout the session. She answered all our questions about snakes, teaching us things we never knew and making the session educational as well as fun.

This shoot with Sidni and Festus showed me the fun in trying new things and the beauty in every creature, no matter how unexpected. Festus was a perfect model, and I’m really glad we got to spend that time together.

This boudoir experience was a reminder of how diverse and surprising the world can be. I came away from the day not only with some great shots but also with a new appreciation for snakes thanks to Festus’s charm and Sidni’s knowledge.

snake laying on womans chest snake laying on woman's chest woman holding snake Woman holding snake during boudoir session woman holding snake during boudoir session snake around woman's neck snake slithering down back Snake slithering down back Woman posing with snake Woman posing with snake woman posing with snake woman posing with snake Woman posing with snake woman posing with snake woman posing with snake

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