5 Excuses Why You’re Not Booking a Boudoir Session

Reasons You’re Not Booking a Boudoir Session! I have plenty of consults where women have given me countless reasons as to why they can’t do a boudoir session. Here are some common excuses I hear, and how to overcome them! 

Read: 5 Important things to bring to your boudoir session

Reasons You're Not Booking a Boudoir Session

1. Excuse #1- “I’m not confident enough.”

Okay, y’all. I have THOUGHTS! I truly think that you do have the confidence. Or better yet, here’s my other thought. I think that a lot of you are in fact, confident, but there is something or someone holding them back.

Whether that’s a friend, a family member who’s ultra-conservative, The list goes on. What is stopping you from finding that confidence?

Now, there are some people who truly might not have the full confidence that they would like before booking this session.

A woman recently came in for a session which was shaking from head to toe, LITERALLY!

What this said to me was that she was nervous and was not confident walking in, but you best believe that she was no longer shaking and understood her true power by the time she walked out!

If you are ready to challenge yourself to become more and more in love with your body, this is for you.

Reasons You're Not Booking a Boudoir Session

2. Excuse #2 – “I don’t have the right body type.”

This reaction can be due to so many factors. Some women have had a terrible experience with photography in the past.

Whether it was because of incorrect angling, or the photographer or simply not posing them at all (yikes!), the horror stories are real!

If you only knew how many women almost did not book because of a past experience! With us, we will find nothing but the most flattering angles for you.

Our posing is custom for every woman who walks into the studio. There is no session that is the same, Because no two Journeys are the same regarding our bodies.

If you have a part of your body that you are not as fond of at that moment, or you would wish to showcase the most cherished parts of yourself, then we will do poses that focus on those areas!

So don’t feel like you don’t have the right body type! You just need the right photographer(; 

3. Excuse #3 – “I’m too awkward in front of the camera.”

Now, I hear all too often. Everyone thinks that they’re awkward in front of the camera, likely because they didn’t have the proper guidance to get the look that they were attempting to get.

In my studio, there’s no such thing as looking awkward in front of the camera. I’ll tell you how to pose and gently guide you along the way, and it’s really that simple!

I must warn you that some poses will feel awkward as you’re doing them, but they look absolutely amazing on camera!  

Excuse #3 - “I’m too awkward in front of the camera.”

4. Excuse #4 – “I don’t have anything to wear.”

Almost a decade ago, I was too scared to look for lingerie and the store. It was so overwhelming! So many styles, colors, and patterns to choose from!

Not only that, but shopping for lingerie and public always gave me terrible anxiety!

When you book your session with me, you get plenty of guides! You also have access to several hundred pieces of lingerie.

You don’t even have to shop for lingerie if you don’t want to because we’ve got you covered! Or uncovered (wink wink).

Excuse #4 - "I don't have anything to wear." Reasons You're Not Booking a Boudoir Session - Bare Studio

5. Excuse #5 – “I don’t have it in my budget to do a boudoir session.”

Now, I know a few of you have looked into Boudoir sessions in the past and have thought, there is absolutely no way that I will ever be able to do this session!

Luckily, we have several packages to me every budget, and we also allow for payment plans,AND  we booked up to a year out to give you plenty of time to pay on your dream package! 


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